That can actually get you clients
Facebook Marketing Hack #1
Curate Content with the “SAVE” Feature on your News Feed! Everyone wants to save themselves time…
The key to success on Facebook is posting a lot of great content consistently, and that takes time, but you don’t have to always create your own! There’s tons of content being shared across the Facebook platform that your fans, friends and group members would find interesting, so why not curate it for them. That’s what museums and art galleries do to keep people interested and coming back for more, they bring in curated exhibits. So start saving your community time and become a trusted and valuable resource for them so they know to come to you when they have a question or need a solution. Just remember to give credit to the source when you share.
Facebook Marketing Hack #2
Be More Organized with the “FRIENDS LIST” Feature! Get your message to the ‘right’ people…
I often hear from Facebook users that they don’t want to use their Facebook account for business because they don’t want to mix their family and personal friends with their business associates, so they set up more than one personal profile, well that is against Facebook’s terms and conditions plus, why add any more work to your plate – it takes enough of your time to manage one Facebook account! Because of the limited reach your Business Page posts get, it is important to learn how to blend your posts on your Personal, Business and Groups and the “FRIENDS LIST” feature allows you to do this more effectively.
Facebook Marketing Hack #3
Elevate the Number of People That See Your Posts with “FACEBOOK LIVE”!
Let your followers experience you and develop a Know, Like, Trust relationship… We all want our content to be seen by more people, what better way to do that then with live video! FACEBOOK LIVE Videos have been “hot” ever since Facebook launched this fun feature, and its popularity is continuing to skyrocket.
Facebook Marketing Hack #4
Generate More Leads with “FACEBOOK GROUPS”! Build your own community…
Who doesn’t want more leads – right? However, quality leads are what we really want most! I find the best way to get prospective leads on Facebook is via conversations, and that can be done so easily in FACEBOOK GROUPS. This Facebook feature is a very useful tool to build your business, either as a group owner or a group member. The key is to bring value to the GROUP. You can engage in conversations and respond if people ask questions. When it comes to posting content in the GROUP, make sure what you are posting is not a ‘promotion’, but something that’s actually helpful. It is important to be active in your groups so you get to know the other members and have them get to know you too.
Facebook Marketing Hack #5
Increase Your Website Traffic with “LINK POSTS”! Take your followers where you can sell to them…
Sharing valuable content, getting your message in front of the ‘right’ people, being more visible, having meaningful conversations, all can lead to getting new clients. However, there is one more “hack” – LINK POSTS – that will increase the traffic to your website, where you have a greater opportunity to get your content, products and/or services in front of the people who actually care about it .
For a more in-depth copy of “5 Facebook Marketing Hacks” visit: www.wcninteractive.com and download your copy!
You can also connect with Cheri Martin by checking her out on social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wcninteractive
Twitter: www.twitter.com/wcninteractive
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/cherimartin
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/GPSSocialMediaAcademy
Cheri Martin, Social Media Specialist
The So Social Visionary
Best Selling Author
2016 Social Media Marketing Leader of the Year
Certified Speaker, Coach, Trainer and Email Marketer