One-on-One Coaching
with Trish Carr and/or Nancy Matthews

Master Coaches Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr

One-on-One Coaching Packages

Here's how 1:1 coaching helped Kate:

Get Breakthrough Results in Your Life & Business

Breakthrough NLP with Nancy Matthews
(3 Sessions)

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is designed to have you breakthrough what is keeping you from having the life and business you desire. Wondering if you have blocks? If what you desire is not your current reality, it's likely due to events and memories from the past, old patterns and limiting beliefs. Let's breakthrough those once and for all!  


Speaker Amplification Package with Trish Carr
(3 Sessions)

Take Your Messages to the Masses & Monetize!

Design and/or Refine Your Signature Presentation to Attract More Speaking Gigs, Inspire Action & Get More Qualified Leads & Sales. We'll also ensure you have systems in place so that you're set up for success and prepared to receive.


Get Customers Now  Package with Trish Carr
(3 Sessions)

We know you want to serve more people and when you do, you earn more money. 

If you're not getting results it's time to overhaul your messaging, pricing and packaging. These sessions will have you nail your messaging and your marketing to get more clients who are happy and eager to pay you!


Double Up Coaching Package
(6 Sessions)

With the Double Up Package you can double up and coaching with both Trish and Nancy (if desired) and use the sessions as referenced above or design your own timetable and desired outcome. 


Here's what a few of our clients have experienced:

"Just want to say thanks for your coaching! I made over $10k last month. My 1st 5-figure income month! More to come!"

June Lyle

Primerica Financial Services

"Thank you Nancy Matthews for being my coach yesterday. You triggered a MEGA MindShift instantly. Fact is, we don't know what we don't know."

Donna Blevins

MindShift on Demandâ„¢

Coaching Sessions Can be Used Right Away or At Any Time Within the Next 12 Months

Note: Due to time constraints and our desire to serve you at the highest level, there are ONLY 7 spots available.

When is the best time to take action on this invitation?
Yes ... Now!

Let's make 2024 your breakthrough year together.

Not Sure Which Package Is Best for You?
Text Susan at 954-290-2240

See what Other are Saying About Coaching with Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr

Since stepping into coaching and taking the sales training, I'm enrolling more clients (at the highest investment) with ease. Now, I look forward to my sales calls vs being a ball of anxiety "eager" for the sale.

The magic phrase, "What would you like to get from our time today?" has made a world of difference and why I continue with the WPN trainings!

Stacey Murphy

I'm in a brand-new business and within 4 days of the training I earned $3,000 in services to brand new clients with confidence and ease.

This works! And it feels soooooooo good!

Christina Stuart

Christina Stuart Photography & Soul Alignment Activator

Thank you for the coaching session, it was so worth waiting for. I am inspired, empowered and ready to go. My goal for our 30 minute session was to take all the pieces and everything I have and make it into a logical business plan and you did it! You are FABULOUS.

Nina Recarey Obier

Not Sure Which Package Is Best for You?
Text Susan at 954-290-2240

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