Guest Laura Beers

Laura went from being skeptical about metaphysical subjects and curious about her intuition to being a national psychic medium, motivational speaker and author! After being told she should get rid of the woo woo stuff on her website by a business man advisor, she realized that the woo woo stuff was actually what made her the happiest and she decided to embrace it! Everything opened up from there. Laura has been honored to have helped numerous people, especially women, go through the 3 D’s of life: death, divorce and disaster. She’s also helped them to develop their own natural abilities.

The Motivational Mediumâ„¢ Laura J.K. Beers is a Motivational Speaker, National Evidential Psychic Medium, Certified Spiritual Coach, Author and Ordained Minister located on the Central East Coast of Florida. She is honored to work with you and your loved ones in Spirit for your guidance and healing, especially around grief and loss of any kind. She also loves to help her clients develop their own gifts. Heal Your Spirit with Laura!

Learn more at TheMotivationalMedium.comÂ