The Network for Impact-Focused Women

Be Real & Get Real for Real Results


How to STOP Selling & Have People ASK TO BUY from You!

The Proven & EASY Way to Have People Say, "When can we start?"

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Wednesday, April 28th
Only 100 Seats Available

What You'll Learn

  • The key to having your client SELF-IDENTIFY their need for services
  • The "Magic Phrase" that has them give you permission to offer your services
  • The best way to handle objections and concerns so that their resistance naturally melts away
  • How to keep yourself in the energy of INSPIRATION (to provide value) instead of DESPERATION (to make a sale)
Save Your Spot Now
Wednesday, April 28th

Limited Places

Only 100 Seats

Wednesday, April 28th

12pm to 1pm ET
11am to 12pm CT
10am to 11am MT
9am to 10am PT

Your Hosts & Trainer, Nancy Matthews

Sales, Marketing & Leadership Expert
Master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner
International Speaker, Best-Selling Author & Global Leader

As seen on and in association with:

  • Co-Founder of Women's Prosperity Network ... A Global Business & Network for Impact Driven Women Serving Thousands of Members
  • Teacher & Trainer for Thousands of Successful, Small Business Owners
  • Business Development, Marketing, Sales & Leadership Expert with More Than 25 Years of Combined Experience in Fortune 100 Companies
  • Sought After International Speaker

Learn How to Sell More WITHOUT Being "Salesy!"

Save Your Spot Now
Wednesday, April 28th