The Network for Impact Driven Women

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Heart-Centered Sales Mastery Workshop

The Formula for Increasing Sales & Loving Every Minute of It!



  • Friday, February 21st
  • 10 am to 1 pm Eastern
  • $39 (Members) FREE
  • $49 (Non-Members) FREE


From the Comfort of Your Home or Office


Friday, February 21st from 10 am to 1 pm (Eastern)

reserve your spot

Your Host & Trainer

Nancy Matthews

Sales & Marketing Expert
International Speaker, Best Selling Author & Co-Founder of Women's Prosperity Network

Repeat after me...

"I work with wonderful people, in wonderful ways for wonderful pay!"

Gain the Skills & Confidence to Have Inspiring, Results-Driven Sales Conversations

Sales Scripts for ...

Follow Up Calls
In-Person Presentations
Discovery Calls
Handling Objections

PLUS ... Practice, Practice, Practice ... The Key to Sales Success!

Listen Up ...

What we're about to say may shock you

(and we kinda hope it does)

Right now there are likely hundreds (if not even thousands) of people who are sitting around actually hoping and praying for the solution YOU provide ... BUT if you don't reach out to them:

  • THEY continue to suffer, longing for a solution
  • THEY may pay OTHER PEOPLE trying to get results and waste their time and money
  • YOU feel frustrated for them ... knowing YOU would have served them exceptionally well, and
  • YOU feel worried and anxious not getting the money you deserve or the fulfillment of having served them with your gifts, talents and expertise

You know you can help them, that you're the best person for the job and yet ... something (or many things) is getting in the way of you getting out there and letting them know you can serve them.

If you are ready to ...

  • Sustain a consistent flow of working with wonderful people, in wonderful ways, for wonderful pay
  • Start receiving the money, rewards and fulfillment of serving people in a powerful, positive way
  • Stop the madness and frustration you're experiencing

Then ...

The Heart-Centered Sales Mastery Workshop

The Formula for Increasing Sales & Loving Every Minute of It!

Who are we?

Nancy Matthews, Susan Wiener and Trish Carr
Co-Founders of Women's Prosperity Network
International Speakers, Global Leaders and Master Trainers and Coaches

In addition to being sisters (yup, we had the same Mom and Dad), best friends and business partners, being blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing women as the Founders of Women's Prosperity Network...

We've had the privilege of serving thousands of people, generating MILLIONS of dollars in revenue from courses, events, memberships and high-ticket coaching programs and we want to show you exactly how we've done it so you can too!

As Seen On

Please Note:

We did not grow up with silver spoons in our mouths ... we were raised by a single mother in Brooklyn, NY who worked hard and struggled to give us the opportunity to blaze whatever path we wanted.

But ... as you can well imagine, that path was filled with potholes, some hills, mountains and valleys ... just like yours.

After years of working hard ourselves and struggling with the ups and downs of the economy and a variety of other outside factors ... we've learned the secrets to create sustainable revenue AND absolutely LOVE doing it!

And now ... we've sharing this proven system for predictable results and massive revenue with you!


Friday, February 21st from 10 am to 1 pm (Eastern)

reserve your spot

Thousands of Happy Customers Can't Be Wrong

Here are just a few of our clients who've had success with our proven sales system

"Thank you Nancy Matthews for your guidance and coaching. The passive income plan we worked out has produced some nice fruit. While on leave and “NOT working my business,” I made $2000 from just a handful of clients. I gave a 60-minute session as the bonus and my first customer just invested in my $1000 home study. This is just the beginning.
There’s more…from what I learned from Trish Carr, I used your method last week and in 8 minutes I was able to generate “back of the room” sales…WooHoo!

"I used to be timid about asking for the sale until I learned it’s not at all about asking for the sale! Thank you Nancy and Trish for showing me the sales process that really works. My appointment schedule has never been fuller and that means, not only am I making more money, I’m doing more of what I love to do and making a difference in peoples’ lives."

"I just want to say thanks for your coaching! I made over $10K last month … my first 5-figure income month! More to come!"

June Lyle
Primerica Financial Services


Friday, February 21st from 10 am to 1 pm (Eastern)

reserve your spot

Any Questions?

Contact or Call 954-370-1176

We're Here to Serve So That YOU Can Serve More & Accelerate Your Prosperity!