The Sales & Marketing Clinic

Learn, Play & Master the Art of Sales & Marketing

What is the Fuel that Keeps Your Business Running?
Vision is Vital
Passion is Essential
But ... without THIS FUEL you actually won't have a sustaining, thriving business

September 20th & 21st

11am to 5pm Eastern | 10am to 4pm Central | 8am to 2pm Pacific

Why Invest 2-Days Of Your Time To Attend
The Sales & Marketing Clinic?

Have a Sales & Marketing Machine That Consistently Fills Your Business with:

Qualified Leads
People eager to work with YOU
Ideal clients happy to PAY you
And ... You finally fall in love with sales and marketing

Gain the Skills & Confidence to Have Inspiring, Impact-Focused and Results-Driven Conversations

Sales Scripts for Every Conversation ... From Initial Follow-Up, Through Presentation and Sale
Learn How to Handle Concerns, Objections & Questions (Even Before They Come Up!)
Asking the Right Questions at the Right Time is the Key to Discerning How & When to Serve Your Ideal Clients

Create Magic with Your Marketing

Make it EASY for People to Find You, Know You & Want to do Business with You
Align Your Message to Your Mission So Your Ideal Clients "Get You" and Know You "Get Them"
Gain Exposure & Brand Recognition Consistently So That You're Known Before Your Needed
Increase Traffic to Your Website, Events & Offerings So That You Are Happily Serving More People
Create Magnetic Marketing Copy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr

Sales & Marketing Experts

Invite You to Finally Learn to LOVE Sales & Marketing Because It Brings You the People You Want to Serve

Secure Your Spot Today!

The Sales & Marketing Online Clinic 
11am to 5pm Eastern (both days)











Gold, Platinum & Momentum


Silver, Free & Non-Members


Meet Your Trainers

Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr

International Speakers, Global Leaders, Bestselling Authors
Co-Founders of Women's Prosperity Network

Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr, International Speakers, Best-Selling Authors & Global Leaders are thrilled to invite you to join us for this in-depth training so you can share your message, monetize it and make your mark in the world.

With over 25 years of experience in business, leadership, communication, marketing, sales (and oh so much more!) Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr share their insights and savvy to support YOU! This dynamic duo pull back the curtain to share their proven systems and strategies for success so you can achieve the results, prosperity and happiness you desire and deserve!

Our mission is to develop Leaders who are committed to making a difference and delivering a powerful, authentic message. We follow and share the philosophy of Zig Ziglar who said, "You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want."


Clients Served


Speaking Presentations 


Podcasts & Interviews

Thousands of Happy Customers Can't Be Wrong

Here are just a few of our clients who've had success with our proven sales system


"Thank you Nancy Matthews for your guidance and coaching. The passive income plan we worked out has produced some nice fruit. While on leave and “NOT working my business,” I made $2000 from just a handful of clients. 

I gave a 60-minute session as the bonus and my first customer just invested in my $1000 home study. This is just the beginning."

Stacey MurphyThe Vixen Academy

"making more money"

"I used to be timid about asking for the sale until I learned it’s not at all about asking for the sale! Thank you Nancy and Trish for showing me the sales process that really works. 

My appointment schedule has never been fuller and that means, not only am I making more money, I’m doing more of what I love to do and making a difference in peoples’ lives."


"This was a GAME CHANGER! During the class I DOUBLED MY INCOME and using what I learned, my income continues to RISE. Thank you Nancy & Trish!

Nine Obier

"I just want to say thanks for your coaching Nancy and Trish! I made over $10K last month … WOOHOO! My first 5-figure income month! More to come!"

June Lyle

"Just had great success at my presentation! Thank you Nancy and Trish for your guidance. Sold 4 memberships … this course is priceless."

Lisa Edwards

Questions? Get In Touch

 If you need to place an order, or have any questions about our services, you can contact us below and our caring team will get back to you shortly.


Text or Call

(954) 290-2240

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