Special *FREE* Online Interview

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The Sensational Salesman"The Sensational Salesman"

Interview with Author, Duane Cummings

Lots of books claim they will change your life, but they rarely give you a map to follow.  Join us for this insightful interview as the Author shares his wisdom and insight to living your Sensational life!



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Duane Cummings

Top reasons to listen to this teleclass:

  • 1

    Fundamentals of Lifelong Happiness and Fulfillment

    Insights rarely taught in formal education settings or the workplace

  • 2

    Personal and Professional Success

    Duane shares the step by step blueprint for achieving personal and professional success

  • 3

    Key Building Blocks

    How one principle builds upon the other with real world examples of their application

PLUS ... You could be one of the Lucky Winners of Duane's "Sensational Mentoring Trip of a Lifetime!"  Join us on the call to learn all the details and how you can apply.

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*Replays available, but you've got to register for access.

About Duane Cummings:

Trusted advisor to organizations and individuals around the world regarding professional and personal development.  He is an entrepreneur, coach, and consultant who speaks regularly about teamwork, leadership, communication, sales and finding your purpose.  He spends a great deal of time mentoring others and serving the needs of several nonprofit organizations.  Duane and his wife, Kim, have two sons, Matthew and Christopher.

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Women's Prosperity Network

sisters-in-blue-with-borderWomen’s Prosperity Network was founded in 2008 with the intention of creating a new type of networking for women.  Women networking within a framework of a continuing community of support, education and advancement in their personal and professional lives.  Through our online and offline resources and our signature mastermind formula, “Brilliance, Brainstorming & Breakthroughs” women come together in the spirit of collaboration and coop-etition, with a commitment to excellence and sharing their gifts and talents.  The success of WPN Global is directly related to the success of our members.  Learn more