"The WPN Community, ideology, the leaders and their vision have profound value to anyone wanting to enrich their lives and their business.  I am so grateful to be part of the WPN community.  And, I LOVE the Monthly Group Coaching Calls!  Always so much value and so good to connect with my WPN sisters.”

Jodi Darren

glayds marie clancyFabulous! No Pretense
"The motto of WPN sets the tone and says it all, "We may not have it all together ... but together we have it all." ~ Gladys Marie Clancy

Anna DeeterDynamic Powerful Women
"This is a group of dynamic and powerful women.  Warm, inspirational, open minded and supportive.  I'm looking forward to contributing my energy to this group." Anna Deeter

The Monthly Event Is Like a Time Release Vitamin Pill That Keeps Me Soaring!

This pill works instantly as we share with other incredible women and gives us the feeling of soaring to the top of the world!  The best part is that this pill also has a 'time release' throughout the month and keeps us soaring until we return for the new does.  Thank you WPN for all you do for us to keep our heads high as we face the daily challenge of life.

Geraldine Blanchard
Global Tours and Travel

This Group Has Such a Different Vibe!

"People are genuinely interest in each other and it's a nice atmosphere.  I liked the interactie exercises - what a great idea!  There was a great flow of conversation with everyone contributing.  These women are coming from a deeper place ... very nice, very supportive."

Jo Anne
NY Glamour Photography

We're All Encouraging Each Other to Be Successful!

"The mastermind luncheons are wonderful and the trainings are great. The cross-pollination of ideas, the format, the diversity - all good.  I just love it!"

Linda Fostek
The Crisis Planner

"This is a fabulous group of women who are on the quest to achieving their goals and reaching out a hand to support others to do likewise."

Yvonne A. Jones

"This is a powerful group of women and a powerful process for networking and improving your game, no matter what your game is!"

Kathryn Hathaway

"What do I love about WPN?  I love that we support and hug each other while we're making money!"

Tracy Sherman

"What an amazing Masterminding event you prepared for us today.  Thank you for great food both physically and intellectually.  I always come away with so much empowerment."

Linda Alvarez Ruiz
Jewelry Valuation, Brokerage & Appraisal

I was in the zone!

"Thank you Andrea [NY Chapter Leader] for the opportunity.  I was in the zone.  It truly was nice to be surrounded by people who are there to help each other instead of compete. I felt so connected to the many women who work in male dominated industries.  It was nice to see women, just being humans and not being pressured by society of who they should be."

Laura Serpico

Because of WPN I have grown in all aspects of my life.

"It has been 4 years since I joined Women's Prosperity Network. I remember that shy lady just starting my business ...and clueless. Then I met Sherri O and my life was forever changed.  Because of WPN I have grown in all aspects of my life - mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially.  You saw things in me and whole heartedly believed in me. Because of your love and support I am more confident, strong, focused and I love you guys dearly.  Thanks for helping me see my awesomeness!!"

Tina Smith
Send Out Cards
Lee Richter, CEO

"People always ask me how I connect to so many amazing leaders in the world. As the owner of two award-winning veterinary hospitals, I know the importance of power partnerships and I enjoy networking with global leaders. Sandra is a global leader that I've known for years and I trust in her ability to connect professionals for a higher purpose and to mastermind. I chose to join WPN California to become part of this diverse and dynamic group of individuals passionate about making an impact in the world! This is a fun group of powerhouse leaders and I am honored to be part of it."

Lee Richter, CEO, HolisticVetCare.com

Membership Testimonials

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Licia Berry

Licia Berry - can I just say again how thankful I am for the experience of getting to be part of this community of women…I know my life has already improved so much as a result of becoming part of WPN, and being touched by you and Trish and Susan.  I feel very blessed. http://www.liciaberry.com

Licia Berry