Here’s something I always wanted to say: “The other day I met John Assaraf.”
How cool is that – John Assaraf?! If you’re not familiar with John (we’re on a first name basis now), not only is he the star of the well-known Law of Attraction movie, “The Secret” and a New York Times best-selling author multiple times, he is also a successful entrepreneur with a track record of growing multi-million dollar companies. Talk about the Law of Attraction in Action! Here’s a man who not only talks the talk, he lives it.
I love the promise of the Law of Attraction:
Be clear on what you want, visualize it, feel it, believe it and be grateful that it is coming to you and it will.
I love the concept and yet, I have a challenge buying into the idea that if I think it, it will magically come. I’ve often felt we were only getting half the “Law,” there had to be more to it than simply sitting in the lotus position, visualizing and poof! Well, my friend John told me I was right; there is more to the Law of Attraction than we heard in “The Secret.”
There’s the Law of GOYA, a law that works hand in hand with the Law of Attraction.
When he first mentioned the Law of GOYA, my mind went straight to the food company specializing in authentic Latino cuisine so I was confused; what do black beans and queso have to do with the Law of Attraction? “No, no, no,” he said, “GOYA is the missing ingredient from the Law of Attraction. It’s the Law of Get Off Your A–,” which of course made me ROTFLMAO.
The Law of GOYA – that’s exactly the missing piece, Action! The Law of Attraction and the Law of GOYA work hand in hand; together they make things happen. Try each one on its own and you may achieve your goal, but use them together and create what you thought was beyond your wildest dreams. Walt Disney dreamed about Disney World before he made it happen, Danica Patrick dreamed of being the first (and still only) woman to win a race in IndyCar history and achieved it and more, Sir Richard Branson dreamed about making space flight available to consumers and he’s doing it right now. They all dreamed it. And then they all took action. It takes action to accomplish your dreams. It takes action to have what you want in your life. It takes action to live the best life you possibly can.
So use the Law of Attraction and take time to dream, to reflect, and to visualize what you want. See it, feel it, taste it. And then…use the Law of GOYA to make it come to life.
Do you want the Law of GOYA to bring YOUR dreams to life? Be a part of Women’s Prosperity Network’s Level-Up Experience in January and invoke the Law of Attraction and the Law of Goya for a prosperous 2018. For more information go now to