Guest Staci Clarke
The thing about white privilege is that white people don’t see it. “White privilege” doesn’t mean your life hasn’t been hard, it simply means that your skin color isn’t one of the things making it harder.
This series is meant to share experiences of real people who have experienced racism and still experience it. The goal is to shine a light so that we ALL see it and take actionable steps to do something about it.
Staci Clarke, who is known as “The Maximizer” is a Business Advisor, Speaker, & Entrepreneur. She has been guiding businesses and their owners for 25+ years to create the systems required to have the purposeful, productive and profitable businesses they desire.
While her passion is business her purpose is to help women to find the path to “Maximization & Actualization” in their lives.
She is compelled and committed to always find a way to “Be a Resource” for those around her which she coins “B.A.R.™ .
Staci is also the creator of Systems of Success™ (S.O.S.): Navigation and Implementation For Creating & Maintaining a Purposeful, Productive & Profitable Business & Life.
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