Scroll Down for Your 6 Audio Classes

Before you do ... we want to take a moment and acknowledge you for being a woman committed to success and significance. Thank you for taking your place as a leader and the movement to create positive vibes and loving change in our world.

Women's Prosperity Network is a community of like-spirited women (and some great men too) from diverse backgrounds committed to supporting each other as we all contribute to making the world a better place.

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Gift #1

How to Speak So Others Hear You

Have you ever felt like your words were falling on deaf ears?

Have you ever walked away from a conversation where you just knew you weren't getting through to the other person? They didn't get you - probably never will and darn it ... you tried so hard!!!

In this lesson the Founders of Women's Prosperity Network share the communication secret that UNLOCKS the treasure to being heard, understood and satisfied in every communication.

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Gift #2

The Secret to Being Unstoppable in Business & Irresistible in Your Love Life

How You CAN Have It All!

You've heard the saying, "You CAN have it all" and it's true!

You can have a great career, own your own business, raise a family and have a loving passionate and romantic relationship - or none of the above if that's what you choose.

During this eye-opening and heart-expanding lesson, Gladys Diaz shows you the path to create a life filled with love and fulfillment.

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Gift #3

How to Turn Ideas Into Achievements

Are you wondering how to turn your next big idea into your next big achievement?

During this class, WPN Founders will share the proven steps so you can do just that! You'll learn:

  • How to nurture and nourish your ideas
  • How to walk the thin line between focusing on present responsibilities and developing future ideas and projects
  • The keys to building your team as you build your brand
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Gift #4

5 to Thrive: Blueprint for Living Your Best Life!

The Secret to Taking Care of YOU, Your Family and Your Goals and Dreams

Michelle Patterson is the CEO of Women Network LLC, a media and production company giving women a voice to share their message. Women Network is creating the largest community of women globally, and they’re the exclusive event producer of the California Women’s Conference. Mrs. Patterson is also the founder of Women Network Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public charity created to bring women together to create global change by empowering them to transform their communities. Its mission supports women to effectuate this change through serving as a world-wide conduit for connecting community, mentoring, education, and financial support.

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Gift #5

The Quintessential Equation for An Abundant Life

How to Live as a Visionary with Guts

In this class, Nancy shares the formula for creating and living a life filled with passion, purpose and prosperity.

As she shares her story of triumph over challenge and creating a life where you get to do what you love and have the money follow, you will get the keys to do the same for yourself.  You will learn exactly what it takes to be a Visionary with Guts! Going for more and enjoying the journey.

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Gift #6

Ditch the Pitch! The 3-Steps to Sizzling Sales Presentations

Delivering Powerful and Influential Presentations Without Being Salesy

Whether you’re speaking to one person or to 1000, whether you’re selling your product, your service or your idea, you want to deliver your message powerfully, ultimately influencing people to buy.

In this session you’ll learn the 3-step process to powerful presentations that sell. Equipped with this proven method you’ll close more sales in less time!

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