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    Part 2 (Video 20 Minutes)

    Where Can You Speak?
    Virtual & In-Person
    What You Need to Get Their Attention:
     Clarity
     Confidence
     Communication Skills

    Sample Speaker One Sheets


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    Part 3 (Video 33 Minutes)

    0:00 to 03:30
    Review and Group Discussion on Topic Titles

    04:00 to 33:00
    Guest Speaker Jill Lublin
    How A Book Helps Get You Positioned & Booked for Speaking
    Wowza! Great Content and Q & A Time


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    Part 4 - Section 1 (14 Minutes)

    Group Discussion About Books
    Presentation Profitizer Formula™
    Creating Engaging & Influential Presentations:
     Step 1 – Plan


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    Part 4 - Section 2 (29 Minutes)

    Creating Engaging & Influential Presentations:
     Step 2 - Prepare
     Review of Opening & Closing Structure
    Lead Into Preparation of Opening Questions (to be done during break)

Your Hosts, Trainers & Facilitators

International Speakers, Best Selling Authors, Global Leaders & Masters of Sales and Influence

Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr

Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr, International Speakers, Best-Selling Authors & Global Leaders are thrilled to invite you to join us for this in-depth training so you can share your message, monetize it and make your mark in the world.

With over 25 years of experience in business, leadership, communication, marketing, sales (and oh so much more!) Nancy Matthews & Trish Carr share their insights and savvy to support YOU! This dynamic duo pull back the curtain to share their proven systems and strategies for success so you can achieve the results, prosperity and happiness you desire and deserve!

Our mission is to develop Leaders who are committed to making a difference and delivering a powerful, authentic message. We follow and share the philosophy of Zig Ziglar who said, "You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want."


Contact Team WPN at 800-928-6928 or