Independence Day, the day we give thanks and appreciation for the freedom we experience, honoring all those who have served to preserve our rights, dating back to our forefathers who fought for our independence in 1776.
This day holds so much meaning for me and I invite you to take this time to look upon independence and freedom at the core level of where we get to declare our freedom and that is, in our ability to choose moment to moment through the power of free will.
Regardless of what country you live in, the circumstances you are experiencing or the challenges you are facing, in each moment you have within you the power of free will. You are free to choose the meaning that you give to what is occurring in the present moment and therefore, how you will respond and create the next moment in your life. Free will and how you choose to use it is what determines the quality of the life you live.
I know that some of my readers are now thinking “That sounds great, Nancy, but how do you really do it? Life is hard at times, bad things happen (really bad things) and I can’t control what’s happening. I don’t feel free, I feel trapped and frustrated.” For you I have great news … the fact that you are reading this post and are asking the question is the first step to claiming your independence and embracing your freedom.
Like you my life has been filled with a series of circumstances that I used to describe as happening TO ME – an alcoholic father who ‘abandoned’ his family; looking for love in all the wrong places and being single and getting pregnant; struggling to pay my bills, dealing with the big “D’s” – Death, Divorce and Disease along with the famous “F’s” – fear, failure and frustration. While your circumstances may be more or less challenging than the ones I’ve been through, the fact is that each thing that happens in our lives presents us with the opportunity to choose how we will respond or react and that use of our free will, then effects what happens next.
Through the years and with a commitment to creating, enjoying and living my best life, I have learned that things don’t happen TO ME, they happen FOR ME, as an opportunity to learn, grow and stretch. Every day I continue to learn and my main focus each day is to use my free will in a way that allows me to approach each circumstance with faith, belief and knowing that “everything always works out in the end, and if things aren’t working out – then it’s not the end.”
This shift in perspective has allowed me to experience love, joy and prosperity every day – despite the circumstances or challenges that may appear. This is true FREEDOM. This is INDEPENDENCE from fears, doubts, limiting beliefs or worries that previously held me back.
Today I want to share with you one of the most impactful tools that I used to experience True Freedom and Independence.
Click here now and access this resource to support you to release yourself from the chains and challenges that may be holding you back. Claim your independence, celebrate your freedom and receive the Riches that are your birthright.