Guest Nina Obier

Nina Obier is going to share her story of not once, not twice but three different times in her life when she reached the “top” of the ladder only to realize it was leaning on the wrong building. She will share the steps of the CLIMB that have lead her to let go of the status and shift to significance in order to leave a legacy and create impact wherever she goes.

Nina Obier is an Inspirational Speaker, FUNness Facilitator and Clarity Coach. In her seminars, workshops and keynotes she brings her positive energy and a unique ability to make the complex simple. As Founder and CEO of Success Simplified, Nina’s mission is to provide action-oriented tools and, strategies so that her audiences and her clients lead a life of harmony, seamlessly balancing the challenges of business, life and home.

For more than 25 years she has been a FUNness Facilitator and Coach supporting her clients in enjoying the ride while they achieve their next level of professional and personal success. Nina is the acclaimed author of Listen.Learn.Love.Lead – 40 Simple Messages for an #inspiredlife and My Daily Clarity- 90 Days to Connect.Create.Communicate.Celebrate.  Stay tuned for her third book, The Beauty of Simplicity

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