A GRATITUDE Gangsta (GG) is a person skilled in the art of appreciation, who lives life fully and finds magic even in life’s challenges. A GRATITUDE Gangsta knows that gratitude is the fastest path to love, joy, and prosperity.

What does this have to do with being an entrepreneur? Everything. Whether you’re a solopreneur, or have a team, as an entrepreneur, you often wear many different hats, get pulled in different directions, have to think outside of the box, and find creative solutions. As rewarding as the results can be, the process can be exhausting.

How can you tap into your inner GRATITUDE Gangsta?

  1. Declare. Before getting out of bed, raise your hands in the air and declare, “Today is going to be a Magical day (or whatever word works for you).” This simple action sets an intention and tells the universe and your subconscious mind that no matter what happens, you will get through it with ease and grace.
  2. Every day (either upon rising or before bed) write down your daily gratitudes, both large and small, that are unique to the day. Be sure to include what YOU did well. Research shows that keeping a log of YOUR successes boosts self-esteem.
  3. Where attention goes, energy flows. Evaluate where your energy goes. Do you focus on all the hiccups in your day or do you see how quickly solutions come to you? Do you expect the day to go your way or do you foresee all that can go wrong? Big difference. Only when you pay attention to where your attention lies can you redirect it.
  4. Say Yes and figure it out later. When opportunities arise, often times your first reaction is to say, “No. Not now. I’m not ready yet. Maybe next time.” You probably say NO simply because you are not sure how to make it happen. By solely focusing on the how, you pass up on great opportunities. One of my mottos is, “When the Universe gives you gifts, take them. If not, they stop coming.”
  5. Take inspired action – This is where the magic happens. Ever get that feeling that you should do something? Turn left, write an email, fill out the entry form – do it. Do it consciously and wait and see what happens. You just may be surprised.
  6. Create a Moment of GRATITUDE. Do something you know will make you and or someone else feel good. Need some ideas? Get my monthly GRATITUDE calendar with daily action steps at http://bit.ly/GRATcal.
  7. Push PAUSE: When you find yourself going down a rabbit hole, feel overwhelmed, or like you’re spinning out of control, Push the Pause Button. It’s located right in the middle of your forehead. This simple action reminds you to step away for the situation, take a time out, and refocus.
  8. Have fun. GRATITUDE Gangstas LOVE to have fun. Schedule it in and when it shows up on your calendar, honor that activity just as you would honor any other activity. Remember the movie The Shining? “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy!”
  9. Get up and Move. You LOVE your work, I know. And if you’re anything like me, you can find yourself in front of the computer all day. Set your alarm to remind you to get up and move: walk around the block, stretch, or dance. Just get up and move.
  10. Play Make Believe. Have someone on standby that you can play Make Believe with. Here’s how this works. Call a friend and talk to each other as if you just had the BEST day of your life, Share details. I love playing this game especially when I experience it as if it really is happening. I’ve brought myself to tears before.

As I stated earlier, being a GRATITUDE Gangsta is a way of life and it’s not always easy – neither is being an entrepreneur. Dr. Robert Emmons said it best, “GRATITUDE is difficult state to create and maintain and it’s not for the intellectually lethargic.” You have to do the work if you want to see results. When you incorporate one or more of these action steps into your daily activities, your experience as an entrepreneur will change. You’ll be more confident, feel more alive and attract more clients.

Michele Vismaya Rubin, a GRATITUDE Gangsta, teaches people how to uncover and rediscover what works in their life so that they experience a greater level of satisfaction, joy, happiness, and abundance.

To join the Living in GRATITUDE Today Movement, go to https://www.LivingInGratitudeToday.com/join

Vismaya Rubin
(305) 972-8336
Get your free GRATITUDE Calendar at http://bit.ly/2uLtvfu

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