Level Up Online - Replay & Resources

Live Class Offered on February 18, 2019

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    Download the Level Up Workbook

    Be sure to have it on hand during the workshop. Includes: Goal Achieving Worksheets, Messaging Templates, Online Funnel Template and Revenue Model Outline

  • 2

    High Achiever's Time Management System

    Download and listen to the Time Management audio and use the Block Scheduling template to support you in having clear, focused productivity with grace and ease!

Take the Next Step with WPNFind Out About Our Coaching & Mentoring Programs

Here's the outline for the online workshop:

Setting the Foundation:

  • Overview of the Level Up system
  • Casting and clarifying your 2019 Vision
  • Define your short and long term goals for certain results
Replay Link - Part 1

2:45 to 3 pm - Break Time

Ramping Up:

  • The Goal ACHIEVING Process
  • Starting with the end in mind
  • Revenue modeling for fast cash and lasting revenue
Replay Link - Part 2

3:45 to 4 pm - Break Time

Bringing It All Home:

  • Messaging to get to the heart and mind of your IDEAL CUSTOMER
  • Tried and true marketing to attract and retain more customers
  • Easy systems for sustained success
  • Conversations that CONVERT to paying clients
  • Keeping the Momentum
Replay Link - Part 3
Take the Next Step with WPNFind Out About Our Coaching & Mentoring Programs

Any Other Questions?

Call Team WPN at 800-928-6928