It's Time for Your Spotlight!

Your "Ted-Like" Talk at Women's Prosperity Network

Exclusive Benefit for the Members of The Illumination Elite

Please see the suggestions and guidelines below, along with the Frequently Asked Questions. You may also want to listen to the replay of the two group training calls I did for prior speakers to get a sense of the flow of your talk.

Then, schedule a session with Nancy to fine tune your presentation - CLICK HERE for Nancy's schedule.

Preparation & Training Calls for Your "Ted-Like" Talks

#1 - Wednesday, November 7th at 7 pm eastern

► Replay of 11-07-18 Call

Preparation & Training Calls for Your "Ted-Like" Talks

#2 - Tuesday, November 27th at 7 pm eastern

► Replay of 11-27-18 Call

To prepare for your "Ted-Like" talk, we've gathered a few resources and guides to support you.

Your Speaking Time is 15 Minutes - MAXIMUM

No "Pitching" or Selling from Stage.
Your goal is to deliver an inspiring talk that makes people want to seek you out for additional information and services.


Excerpts from Talk Like Ted by Carmine Gallo

The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds

The most engaging presentations are:

  • EMOTIONAL - They touch my heart (this is where your stories come into play)
  • NOVEL - They teach me something new (this is where your unique approach and solution comes into play)
  • MEMORABLE - They present content in ways I'll never forget (impactful)
  • SECRET #1 - Unleash The Master Within - Tap Into & Share Your Passion and WHY THIS Idea / Topic Matters to YOU
  • SECRET #2 - Master the Art of Storytelling - Stories Break Down Walls & Resistance and Create Connection with Your Audience
  • SECRET #3 - Have a Conversation - It Takes Practice to Sound Natural - Watch Your Speed, Gestures & Body Language - Your Strength as a Speaker Comes From the Inside
  • SECRET #4 - Teach Me Something New - Reveal information that's completely new to your audience, packaged differently or offers a fresh approach and novel way to solve an old problem
  • SECRET #5 - Deliver Jaw-Dropping Moments - An Emotionally Charged Moment - Consider Props and Demos - Emphasis on the way you drive your main point home
  • SECRET #6 - Lighten Up - Give Your Audience Something to Smile About - The Brain Loves Humor!
  • SECRET #7 - Stick to the 18-Minute Rule - In our case -- 15-Minute Rule. Shorter Presentations Delivered in a Powerful and Engaging Way Supports the Successful Transmission of Ideas
  • SECRET #8 - Paint a Mental Picture with Multishensory Experiences - Touch on more than just one of the senses: Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste and Smell
  • SECRET #9 - Stay in Your Lane - Be Authentic, Open and Transparent

Your goal should be to present ONE MAIN IDEA with supporting points.

For your ONE MAIN IDEA, write it down in one or two sentences. Then ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is my idea new?  (or a new twist on an old idea)
2. Are you telling people something you're pretty sure they have not heard before? (and/or not heard the way YOU ARE sharing it?)
3. Is it interesting?
4. How will this idea apply to a room full of varied kinds of people?

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long is my talk?

You will have 15 minutes for your presentation. Remember that any intro video or sizzle reel playing time is considered part of your 15 minutes.

Can I sell something, i.e. make an offer?

You can certainly offer a free gift to the audience (inviting them to a free opt in page or text opt in) BUT … have you ever seen someone deliver a Ted Talk “PITCH”?

The style of these talks is designed to make an impact with as Ted says, “Ideas worth spreading.” When you create a powerful and impassioned presentation without a “call to action” the right people will ASK to learn from and do more with you.

Will my talk be recorded?

We are still in negotiations for having the event recorded and will update you as soon as we know more.

How many people will be in the audience?

We are expecting between 75 and 125 attendees at this first Illumination Live event.

Can I have a vendor table?

There will be 1 or 2 tables to be shared among guest speakers. Feel free to bring products, flyers, books or other promotional materials to be placed on the table. NOTE: you will NOT have an entire table and will be sharing with your colleagues.

Can I Use PowerPoint?

Yes you can! Just remember … PPT is an enhancement to your talk, NOT the outline of your talk.

For any other questions,
please email
or call Stephanie at 561-632-8735