Staying in the State of Grace with Gratitude
“Gratitude, Anger, Resentment & Hatred Cannot Live in Consciousness at the Same Time”
Therefore gratitude is the armor against all negative thoughts and feelings. How do we stay in the state of grace with gratitude? Here are some tips I’ve discovered.
- Write a gratitude list daily, it could be using the alphabet.
- Create a gratitude jar, and each day write the date and something you’re grateful for.
- Take moments during each day to express gratitude to God.
- During challenging times quickly find something good in the challenge and express gratitude for it.
- While going through each day, express appreciation to all that have given any type of service to you, thanking them in a more expressive way, not just a simple thank you. Tell them what they do matters and how much you appreciate and value their service to you.
- End each day with a prayer of gratitude.
To request Betsy for speaking events, classes, private sessions or for additional information, feel free to reach her at:
Betsy Rosam, M.S
Phone: 772-812-6730