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Tuesday, May 8th at 12 noon (eastern)

How to Hire & Use Virtual Assistants to Grow Your Business

Meet Nathan Hirsch
Founder of Freeeup

Tuesday, May 8th
at 12:00 pm (eastern)

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This webinar is one that you don't want to miss!

We will be speaking with Nathan Hirsch, the CEO of Freeeup.com on how to effectively hire and use virtual assistants in the growth of your business.

Nate is a hiring and outsourcing Ninja. He has sold over $30 million online utilizing VAs, has hired hundreds of freelancers to build his companies and has been featured on over 100 business podcasts talking about hiring.

His company, FreeeUp.com interviews and vets hundreds of freelancers every single week and then only allows the top 1% of applicants into the network. They have close to 1,000 pre-vetted freelancers that can help grow your business.

What types of things can you outsource to a great VA?

  • Social Media
  • Bookkeeping
  • Blog Writing
  • Email Management
  • Customer Service
  • Advertising, Graphic Design, Website Building ...
  • You name it and Freeeup has someone that can help you from $5 to $75 per hour

If you're looking to take tasks off your plate and build your company faster, this webinar is a must!

Who Is Nathan Hirsch?

Nathan Hirsch

Founder and CEO of FreeeUp, a marketplace connecting business owners with the top 1% of freelancers in eCommerce, digital marketing, web development, and much more.

For over 15 years now, he has been on the entrepreneurial fast lane building successful multi-million dollar businesses accompanied by an unrelenting commitment to client service excellence and human resource leadership. In 2006, he founded his first online venture out of his college dorm room, selling and buying student textbooks. This idea was born to tackle the challenge of price disparity of textbooks in brick and mortar stores, thereby making it more affordable for students to procure them online. He then rapidly scaled his e-commerce business, bootstrapping from a $20 student - cause initiative to a multi-million dollar e-tailer clocking in revenues in excess of $30 million on Amazon across a 6 year period while serving over 10,000 customers.

His e-commerce business has employed over 50 workers in the US and has worked with over 150 globally while managing successful partnerships with over 500 distributors and manufacturers across the United States.

He began his professional career in 2003 as a 14 year old high-school Intern at Aaron's Inc, a large retailer headquartered out of Atlanta, GA and later with Firestone Corporation in 2006 where he successfully handled a whole suite of critical deliverables from exceeding sales targets, leading the District Credit Card Sales process and managing critical customer touch points. The intensive Customer Service Training at Firestone inspired him to incorporate key elements into both Portlight and FreeeUp.

Honesty, integrity, ethics and superlative customer experience have always been the four professional cornerstones of his success.

Check out what Freeeup has to offer and the special deal created for the WPN Community ► Freeeup.com/wpn