Contrary to what you may believe, improving your life doesn’t have to be about making grand changes. The key is to make consistent small steps that will result in positive, long-lasting results. Here are 5 small steps to improve your life in the next 30 days:
The Organizing Diet: If you’re ready to make a change and get rid of all the unwanted clutter in your home – start decluttering! Take one section of your home at a time as this will develop an organization habit and it will set the tone for an ongoing organization plan! Practice this mantra: a place for everything and everything in its place.
Happiness is Really an Inside Job: Yes, being happy is possible! While it may differ for everyone – regardless of how you envision it, you can live a more satisfied and happier life simply by making a few changes. Start by making a list of things you can do and make sure you practice one every day. You can include things such as:
- Live in the present moment
- Spend quality time with family and friends
- Make time to exercise on a weekly or daily basis
Create a Spending Plan: Start by putting your financial goals in writing. One of the best ways to make sure your daily spending habits don’t overwhelm you is to create a spending plan. This will guide you to create a more concrete financial future and reach your goals.
Let’s Get Social: Here is one thing we know — networking is good for your career. In fact, having a large, open network is the single biggest predictor of career success. Here are a few tips to make stronger connections:
- Greet a neighbor
- Following someone new on Facebook
- Check out different blogs and try leaving a comment
- Do one kind deed for someone
Use Your Time Wisely: For the next 30 days, take a notebook with you everywhere. Record everything and see how you spend your time. Use what you’ve gathered to create a time budget. This way you can later use the information to help you decide what are high-priority and low-priority tasks, and ultimately, you can use your time more efficiently. Most importantly make sure that you create your time budget each week to help you move along the path to achieving your main goals.