Guest C. Simone Rivers, MBA
Join us for this week’s Wow Wednesday with a Women’s Prosperity Network fan favorite, TEDx Speaker and International Best-Selling Author, C. Simone Rivers.
During Simone’s last appearance, she talked to us about finding the gift in Forgiveness as the foundation for the life we genuinely want. [CLICK HERE to access her previous Wow appearance.] Today we hear about what happens BEFORE forgiveness is a possibility and how she unlocked her Self-Confident superpower, a power we all have access to.
C. Simone Rivers is the founder of Triggering Light with H.U.G.G.S., a personal development services company on a mission to empower, educate and emancipate women to experience a life they desire and deserve. And, with a successful TEDx Speaker, International Bestselling Author and Personal Growth Strategist at the helm, Triggering Light is the hub for personal growth and development. Simone is affectionately known as the Yum-Yum Ambassador for her unique ability to influence the flavor of every room she enters. Her smile is her super power, and she lives by the philosophy, Impossible is a lie!
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