The Network for Impact Driven Women

Be Real ♦ Get Real ♦ Achieve Real Results!


Friday, February 21st | 10 am to 1 pm (Eastern)

Heart-Centered Sales Mastery Workshop

The Formula for Increasing Sales & Loving Every Minute of It!

This 3-Hour Training is Just the Beginning!
Master & Hone Your Skills in Having Engaging, Enrolling Conversations That Have People ASK TO BUY!

Just imagine how much more money you'll be earning when you consistently practice and master your sales skills. Join us for a 5-Week training guaranteed to increase your skills and your income when you follow this proven step-by-step system.

Repeat after me...

"I work with wonderful people, in wonderful ways for wonderful pay!"

next step

Online Training Replay

FIRST ... Download the workbook so you can go through the activities and exercises to gain the most from the training.

Download the Workbook (Word version)
Download the Workbook (PDF version)


Introduction to Heart-Centered, Impact Focused Selling

Becoming an Expert Interviewer!

Part 1 Intro Heart-Centered Selling - Become an Expert Interviewer (Replay)
Part 1 Intro Heart-Centered Selling - Become an Expert Interviewer (PowerPoint)

Review after first Breakout Session, Questions to Ask & Open Up Conversation Directed Towards Your Area of Expertise ... Laser Coaching

Part 1 After Breakout Session - Laser Coaching (Replay)


Deepening the conversation, displaying your expertise and ASKING FOR THE SALE!

***Knowing your pricing and offerings is essential for serving your customers. This section includes "FUNNELOLOGY" ... designing your offerings with the optimal solution in mind first.

Part 2 - Deepen Conversation, Funnelology & Asking for the Sale (Replay)
Part 2 - Deepen Conversation, Funnelology & Asking for the Sale (PowerPoint)

Review after first Breakout Session, Funnels, Pricing, Asking for the Sale ... Laser Coaching

Part 2 After Breakout Session - Laser Coaching (Replay)


Handling Concerns, Overcoming Objections

Part 3 - Handling Concerns, Overcoming Objections (Replay)
Part 3 - Handling Concerns, Overcoming Objections (PowerPoint)

Review after first Breakout Session, Funnels, Pricing, Asking for the Sale ... Laser Coaching

Part 3 - After Breakout Session - Laser Coaching (Replay)

Nancy Matthews, Susan Wiener & Trish Carr
Co-Founders, Women's Prosperity Network
Established 2008

In addition to being sisters (yup, we had the same Mom and Dad), best friends and business partners, being blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing women as the Founders of Women's Prosperity Network...

We've had the privilege of serving thousands of people, generating MILLIONS of dollars in revenue from courses, events, memberships and high-ticket coaching programs and we want to show you exactly how we've done it so you can too!

As Seen On

This 3-Hour Training is Just the Beginning!
Master & Hone Your Skills in Having Engaging, Enrolling Conversations That Have People ASK TO BUY!

Just imagine how much more money you'll be earning when you consistently practice and master your sales skills. Join us for a 5-Week training guaranteed to increase your skills and your income when you follow this proven step-by-step system.

Repeat after me...

"I work with wonderful people, in wonderful ways for wonderful pay!"

next step

Any Questions?

Contact or Call 954-370-1176

We're Here to Serve So That YOU Can Serve More & Accelerate Your Prosperity!