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Most of us have now settled back into our routines after the fun and flurry of the holiday festivities have passed. As we declare our goals and create plans to grow our businesses, increase profits and have 2016 be a year we are truly proud of, consider this strategy to ensure your success …
Be Remarkable!
What can you do to be REMARKABLE for your customers who have already purchased from you? Perhaps a phone call — not to sell anything, but to simply check in and let them know you care.
What can you do to be REMARKABLE for your friends and family? Perhaps a surprise special activity this weekend (yes, even though you’ve got so much work to do.)
What can you do to be REMARKABLE for a stranger? Buy a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you, pay a toll for the car behind you, let the person at the supermarket go in front of you at checkout.
Being Simply Remarkable is so easy and fun too! Enjoy the ride and …