What It Means to Be a Woman in 2018…
You are one of the most intricate creatures, a web of sensory, biological and spiritual forces.
You are living history.
You are made of all the women who came before you.
You carry the courage and leadership of Joan of Arc.
You carry the grace, passion and impact of Princess Diana.
You, who are now called to lean in, were once forced out.
You, who never had rights to money are now called upon to run and finance the world.
You are creating family life based on choice, rather than survival.
You are innovating new systems.
You are changing expectations and incorporating more consciousness in family and business life.
Today you are supporters, creators, leaders. mothers, business owners, homeowners, and path makers. The woman of today is living her dream and figuring it out as she goes. She lives for transformation and inner shifts while building a sturdy path for the future.
Yes, you are one of the most intricate creatures and now more than ever we must join forces as we rise up in leadership.